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List Pricing Plans by Account

GET /pricingPlan

Key considerations for CWC (flow markets)

  1. PricingPlan is implemented for JM,AG,AI,VG,KY,DM,GD,MS,KN,VC,TC.
  2. planId is Name of the Plan.
  3. planName is description of the plan.
  4. planStatus is status of the plan. (possible values. W - Working, A - Allocated, B - Barred, C - Closed, D - Default)
  5. startDate is Plan start date.
  6. endDate is Plan end date.
  7. planIsActive defines plan is active or inactive.
  8. 'includeNomServices' queryParam should always be sent and it's value should be true.
  9. If the 'state' queryParam is not sent, all pricingPlans would be returned. If the 'state' queryParam is sent, it's value should always be "Active" and only active pricingPlans would be returned.

Key considerations for CWC-Cerillion markets

  1. PricingPlan is implemented for JM, BB, TT, LC, VC, GD, AG.
  2. This is applicable, if discountGroup is available for that specific BU.
  3. planId and planName would have the same value, as cerillionAPI is only returning allowanceName/planName.
  4. planStatus value is not available directly from cerillionAPI, so this would be derived based on startDate,EndDate of the plan. (possible values are "W" for Working/Active and "C" for Closed/Inactive).
  5. planIsActive value is not available directly from cerillionAPI, so this would be derived based on startDate,EndDate of the plan. (possible values are "true" or "false").
  6. 'includeNomServices' queryParam should always be sent and it's value should be true.
  7. If the 'state' queryParam is not sent, all pricingPlans would be returned. If the 'state' queryParam is sent, it's value should always be "Active" and only active pricingPlans would be returned.
